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In 1620, the small sailing vessel Mayflower set out across the uncharted waters of the Atlantic Ocean from Plymouth, England with a patent for the northern part of the Colony of Virginia.  Blown off course, it finally dropped anchor off Provincetown on Cape Cod early in November.  Most of the 102 Passengers were of English origin seeking a new home free from religious persecution where they might retain their English identity and customs.  Some, however, had been hired to supply much needed expertise essential for founding a new community in a new land.


In remembrance of those God-fearing and dauntless Pilgrims, the first English settlers of New England, their descendants founded the General Society of Mayflower Descendants on January 12, 1897.  The original Societies were New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania.


The General Society is a federation of 53 Member Societies, consisting of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Canada and a new European Society.


The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of North Carolina was chartered in 1924.  To see a list of the Charter Members, click here.


Annual Meetings of the North Carolina Society are held in November, the anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact.   Each year the Annual Meeting is hosted by one of the colonies. There are two virtual meetings in the winter and summer and a semiannual meeting each spring.  


The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of North Carolina is divided into six physical and one virtual colon7 (listed east to west) - I Northeast Colony, II Southeast Colony, III Central Colony, IV Piedmont Colony, V Charlotte Colony, VI Western Colony (see map below) and the 

VII Speedwell Colony (Virtual).​


Names of new members coming into the Member Society, residing within the State, are passed along to the officers in the Colony area in which they reside for addition to the Colony rolls.  Each Colony generally holds one or two meetings a year, one in the spring and the other in the autumn prior to the Annual Meeting of the Member Society.


From time to time one or more of the Colonies undertakes a worthwhile special project, a principal one of which has been the widespread distribution of copies of the Mayflower Compact to the school children in their areas.  Currently each Colony is working on a project to make lineage sheets and instructional materials available to help interested individuals and prospective members in tracing their ancestry.


Each colony places Mayflower Families genealogy books in local libraries.  These volumes are 5 generations of a Mayflower Family published by the National Society in Lynn, MA.  These books are used when proving Mayflower lineage, a necessary step in joining  the society.

New 2019 North Carolina Map.jpg


Members receive the Mayflower Quarterly published by the General Society of Mayflower Descendants in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and the twice yearly NC Mayflower newsletter, the Tar Heel Pilgrim, sponsored by the Member Society.


A separate booklet of the Constitution and Bylaws is published periodically as changes dictate.




Governor – VACANT


Deputy Governor – William “Bill” Ewalt


Recording Secretary – Courtney Layne


Corresponding Secretary – Carol Jutte


Treasurer – Jennifer Baker


Historian – Jacqueline “Jackie” LaMar


Co Historian – Carol McMorrow


Assistant Historian – Karina Stephenson


Elder – VACANT


Counsellor – VACANT


Surgeon – Mark Warburton, MD


Captain - Ray Maxson



Deputy Governor General – VACANT


Assistant Governor General – Cheryl Vislay


Former GSMD Secretary General – Meg Averett


Northeast Colony - VACANT


Southeast Colony – Jaqueline “Jackie” LaMar


Central Colony – Laurel Siviglias


Piedmont Colony – VACANT


Charlotte Colony – Rebecca “Becchi” Oesterle


Western Colony – Jill Chapman


Speedwell Colony - VACANT



Tarheel Pilgrim Editor – Debra Warner Anderson


Webmaster – Jennifer Baker


Membership Chairman - Ray Maxson


Junior Membership Chairman – Laurel Siviglias 


Nominating Committee Chairman - VACANT


Finance Committee Chairman - Jennifer Baker


Bylaws & Constitution Committee - Jacqueline “Jackie” LaMar


More than one hundred years ago, a group of descendants of the Pilgrims who sailed on the Mayflower in 1620, saw the need for a national society to honor their memory. The intention was to remember these Pilgrims who established Plymouth Colony.


Today there are tens-of-millions of individuals descended from these brave souls. It is the goal of The Mayflower Society to join together people who share this heritage and to carry on the memory of our Pilgrim ancestors.


Each state society is an autonomous organization.  If you live in North Carolina, you can apply to us for membership in the NC Mayflower Society.  If you live elsewhere and wish to join locally, follow the link to the General Mayflower Society web site, where you will find contact information for other state societies.


However, if your roots are in North Carolina (or, even if they aren't) and you want to join our state society, you are certainly welcome to join us

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